Friday, 27 November 2009

Loomer String Synthesizer

We're proud to announce our next product, String. String is a virtual instrument that emulates the beautiful sound of the polyphonic string synthesizer. Its authentic tone comes from its accurate emulation of the divide-down oscillator technology and bucket-brigade chorus units behind the lush ensemble synths of the 70s.

All being well, String should be available early next week for purchase at £50 (+ VAT if applicable). String comes in VST, Audio Unit, RTAS and Standalone formats for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.

Here are a few teasers of the type of sounds String does so well. All are from a single String instance, recorded dry, and only using String's built in effects. (Note that the first example also has a simple backing drum beat courtesy of some Korg Minipops samples taken from