Monday 15 July 2013

String 1.14.5 update for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux

String 1.14.5 for WindowsMac OS X, and Linux is now available. This release adds:
  • (feature) Added "Tuning" parameter to modulation section. This enables String to be tuned up or down a half-semitone in either direction from standard concert pitch. Previously saved presets and projects will use A=440Hz by default.
  • (fix: Windows 64-bit VST) Fix for immediate VST crash which could occur on certain hosts when run in Windows XP 64-bit.
  • (feature: Linux) Added "Show Directory" to the preset browser, which will will reveal the selected preset directory in your window manager.
  • (fix: Mac OS X Audio Unit) Fixed issue which caused Reaper to host new instances of String FX as a mono plug-in.
  • (improvement: Linux) Presets and configuration files are now located to comply with the XDG Base Directory Specification. Older installations will still use any existing preset library location to maintain backwards compatibility.