Courtesy of Achim Ortmann, a selection of concept renders for a String hardware unit. There are currently no plans to actually make the physical unit, but thanks Achim! String is currently available - as software only - for Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux: download the demo here.
Tuesday, 22 November 2011
Tuesday, 15 November 2011
Sequent 1.3.1 update
Sequent 1.3.1 for Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux is now available. This version add the following fixes and features:
- Fix for evaluation version of Sequent not opening factory presets. This bug did not affect the registered version of Sequent.
- Improved UI responsiveness.
Monday, 14 November 2011
Sequent demo critical bug notice
Just a quick heads up to make everyone aware that there is a critical bug in the Sequent evaluation: since earlier today, the demo will no longer load factory presets. Since being informed of the bug (thanks Emmanuel!), we've fixed it, but building and testing the eleven or so architectures and plug-in formats that Sequent supports will take a little while. ETA for bug fix: early tomorrow morning.
I apologise for the inconvinience, and will update this thread when the new evaluation is available.
Note that registered copies of Sequent aren't affected by this.
Saturday, 22 October 2011
Linux LV2 preview
The most common request from Linux users continues to be, "Are your plug-ins going to be available in LV2 format?" And I'm pleased to officially announce: yes. We've in-house LV2 native versions of our entire plug-in line running in LV2 native format, and to prove it, here's a quick glance at String in Ardour 3.
We currently have no official release date for the LV2 versions, other than to say soon. (And of course, the LV2 plug-ins will use the same license key as all the other versions, so will be free to existing users.)
Tuesday, 4 October 2011
Sequent 1.3.0: Mac 64-bit VST; Bitcrusher
It's time for another update: Sequent 1.3.0 is now available.
About Sequent
Sequent is a step-sequenced multi-effect processor with a flexible modular effects routing system, an incredibly powerful beat looper, twenty-three parameter sequencers, and a wealth of randomization options. Sequent is the ideal tool for mangling audio on stage or in the studio. Sequent is available for Mac OS X v 10.4 and above, Windows XP and above, and Linux, in Audio Unit, VST plugin, RTAS for Pro Tools 7 and above, and Standalone application formats.
What's new in Sequent 1.3.0 :
- Native 64-bit VST plug-in for Mac OS X (64-bit VST support requires Mac OS X 10.6 or greater; 64-bit Audio Unit requires Mac OS X 10.5 or greater; all other formats require Mac OS X 10.4 or greater. )
- Bitcrusher effect added to distortion module.
- Massively improved speed and responsiveness of all UI controls.
- Improved CPU usage when wiring effects in the modular view.
- Improved CPU usage when tweaking parameters from a hardware controller.
- Improved CPU usage when rapidly switching patterns.
- Sequence syncing is now more reliable for hosts which provide only periodic PPQ positional information.
- Rotary controls for Looper mode and Filter types are now replaced by combo controls.
- For the Windows VST plug-in, when using a relative path for the presets folder, the path is now relative to the DLL, not the host.
- Standalone versions now support multiple simultaneous hardware controllers.
- MIDI Program Changes are now multi-threaded, and so will no longer potentially stall the audio synthesis.
- Fix for GUI freeze that could occur in certain Mac OS X VST hosts.
- Preset searches are now multi-threaded. Preset browser can now immediately respond to user interaction, even whilst searching a massive preset library, or when browsing a folder containing a large number of presets.
- Added soft notching for volume and crossfade controls, making unity volume and 50% crossfade mix easier to dial in.
- Fixed extremely rare crash that could occur on a minority of Windows 32-bit systems when opening the UI.
- Preset meta data (ie, author name, notes, tags) is now correctly displayed after loading an .FXP based preset or restoring a saved project.
- Standalone application tempo can now be set to within two decimal places of accuracy.
Tuesday, 27 September 2011
Loomer Cumulus - Computer Music Exclusive
Cumulus is a granular sampler which radically transforms sample content by breaking it into tiny slithers of audio called grains and reorganizing them to form new sounds. Cumulus is capable of a wide ranges of timbres: from evolving atmospheric soundscapes; to organic physical textures.
Up to eight Scenes can be created; a Scene corresponding to a particular sample position and set of synthesis parameters. Scenes can be played in realtime via MIDI, or arranged internally using the built-in sequencer.
Cumulus is available free on the cover-mounted DVD of Computer Music magazine from issue 170 and onwards. Cumulus is supported on Mac OS X (VST, AU, RTAS, and Standalone), Windows (VST, RTAS, and Standalone), and Linux (VST, Standalone), and natively supports 64-bit for VST, Audio Unit, and Linux Standalone formats.
Monday, 19 September 2011
Aspect 1.7.7 critical bug-fix update
It seems like a rogue bug managed to slip under the radar in Aspect 1.7.6. I'd recommend anyone who downloaded it to update to Aspect 1.7.7.
This release fixes a critical bug in Aspect 1.7.6's audio synthesis engine which caused certain presets to sometimes have a transient gliding pitch at the beginning of a note. Which did admittedly add a certain flair to presets, but is, none-the-less, a bug which needed to be fixed!
Download Aspect 1.7.7 here.
Wednesday, 14 September 2011
Newsletter Mailing List
The Loomer mailing list is now active: sign up here. You'll receive the occasional email about new releases, as well as news on plug-in updates, and on anything else interesting we've been working on at Loomer HQ.
Rest assured, we hate spam as much as you do: we'll never sell, rent, or trade our list, and we've made it easy for you to unsubscribe at any time. You can read our privacy policy here.
Sign-up for the newsletter here.
Rest assured, we hate spam as much as you do: we'll never sell, rent, or trade our list, and we've made it easy for you to unsubscribe at any time. You can read our privacy policy here.
Sign-up for the newsletter here.
Aspect 1.7.6 update for Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux
Aspect 1.7.6 for Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux is now available. This minor release adds the following improvements:
- Native 64-bit VST plug-in for Mac OS X (64-bit VST support requires Mac OS X 10.6 or greater; 64-bit Audio Unit requires Mac OS X 10.5 or greater; all other formats require Mac OS X 10.4 or greater.)
- Preset searches are now multi-threaded. Preset browser can now immediately respond to user interaction, even whilst searching a massive preset library, or when browsing a folder containing a large number of presets.
- Preset meta data (ie, author name, notes, tags) is now correctly displayed after loading an .FXP based preset or restoring a saved project.
- Vastly improved CPU usage when recalculating DSP graph as a result of realtime re-wiring of a modular preset.
- Standalone application tempo can now be set to within two decimal places of accuracy.
- Fix for GUI freeze that could occur in certain Mac OS X VST hosts.
- Fix for LFOs being incorrectly reset every four bars when using the standalone application.
- Fix for minor issue which caused a changed preset to temporarily be reverted to its original state when previewing presets via the browser.
Saturday, 3 September 2011
Manifold and Resound 1.6.1 for Mac OS X
Manifold and Resound for Mac OS X have been updated to 1.6.1. These releases add a fix for an issue that causes the preset browser to become invisible when either Audio Unit plug-in is hosted by Digital Performer.
This is due to an incompatibility with Digital Performer's Carbon Audio Unit UI implementation. In these release, to force Digital Performer to use the plug-in's Cocoa Audio Unit UI :
- Open the corresponding configuration file, ~/Library/Preferences/Loomer/Resound.xml or ~/Library/Preferences/Loomer/Manifold.xml .
- Add the following line to the file: <value name="CarbonAUInterface" val="0">
- Save and close the configuration file.
All new instances of the Audio Unit plug-in will hide the legacy Carbon UI, forcing Digital Performer to use the more compatibile Cocoa UI.
Download Manifold and Resound 1.6.1 for Mac OS X here.
Sunday, 21 August 2011
Mac OS X plug-in interface resizing issues
It would appear that, with the most recent 1.6.0 releases, there is a problem with certain Mac OS X hosts, such as Digital Performer 7, and Resound's and Manifold's interface resizing, which occurs when the preset browser is open.
We are looking into this, but in the intermin, those affected by this bug can work-around it by switching the preset browser to a modal type dialog. To do this:
- Open the corresponding configuration file, which will usually be placed at ~/Library/Preferences/Loomer/Resound.xml or ~/Library/Preferences/Loomer/Manifold.xml .
- Add the following line to the file: <value name="ModalPresetBrowser" val="1">
- Save and close the configuration file.
All new instances of the plug-in will now use the modal (pop-up) version of the browser.
We apologize for the inconvenience, and hope to have a fix out as soon as possible. I would be interested to hear if this problems also occurs in any other hosts, so by all means post details here of any resizing incompatibilities.
Tuesday, 16 August 2011
Manifold and Resound 1.6.0 updates released
Manifold 1.6.0 and Resound 1.6.0 for Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux are now available. Download the update versions here.
Manifold is a software audio effect processor that enhances an audio signal, producing a fuller, livelier, bigger sound. Input signals are split into as many as 20 individual voices, each of which are detuned, placed around the stereo panorama, and recombined with stunning results. Flexible controls mean Manifold is capable of producing a wide range of effects; from subtle modulations that add interest to lifeless sounds, to extreme detuning that fattens the weakest of input sources.
Resound is a software audio delay effect processor that emulates the sound and operation of vintage magnetic-tape echo units. Whilst not a direct copy of any one particular model, it takes features from several of the classic delay devices, and unites them into a convincing and pleasingly retro sounding effect.
Fixes and features in these release are as follows:
- Native 64-bit VST plug-in for Mac OS X (64-bit VST support requires Mac OS X 10.6 or greater; 64-bit Audio Unit requires Mac OS X 10.5 or greater; all other formats require Mac OS X 10.4 or greater. )
- Integrated undo and redo, with unlimited history size.
- [Resound] Split mechanical tape emulation controls into separate Noise and Flutter parameters.
- Category support in preset browser.
- MIDI Program Changes are now multi-threaded, and so will no longer potentially stall the audio synthesis.
- Fix for GUI freeze that could occur in certain Mac OS X VST hosts.
- Slightly reduced CPU usage and removed potential audio thread stall that could rarely occur when editing parameters.
- Windows RTAS plug-in is now installed to the correct location on 64-bit Windows operating systems.
- Fix for rare issue that stopped presets from loading in Linux Renoise when LADSPA plug-in support is enabled.
- Fix for issue that could cause some presets to be instantly marked as changed after opening them in Pro Tools or Maschine on Mac OS X.
- Factory presets now load significantly faster.
- Fix for crash (on both Windows and Linux) that could occur when 'space' is pressed when confirming the overwrite preset dialog.
- For Windows VST (32-bit and 64-bit), the preferences file can be placed alongside the DLL file to facilitate USB or portable installs.
- Preset meta data (ie, author name, notes, tags) is now correctly displayed after loading an .FXP based preset or restoring a saved project.
- VU meters now automatically reset their overload status after a few seconds.
- Various host compatibility fixes.
- PDF manual is now printer-friendly.
Wednesday, 3 August 2011
Web of Trust
Web of Trust is a site dedicated to rating web sites on their trustworthiness, vender reliability, approach to privacy, and child safety. If you're a happy user of any Loomer product, we'd appreciate a positive rating. We're currently rated 'good', but feel an 'excellent' would suit us so much the better: go here and score us accordingly. You'll need to register to vote, but it takes less than a minute.
For those who're interested in reviewing our privacy policy, you can read it online here.
For those who're interested in reviewing our privacy policy, you can read it online here.
String 1.3.5 for Mac OS X and Windows now available
String 1.3.5, the polyphonic ensemble string synth, for Mac OS X and Windows is now available. This release fixes several issues specific to the Mac OS X and Windows versions: String for Linux remains at version 1.3.0.
Included in this release are the following fixes:
Included in this release are the following fixes:
- Fix for the String FX for Mac OS X VST plug-in not resizing correctly in some 64-bit hosts when opening the preset browser.
- Fix for mouse-wheel not working correctly for the Windows 32-bit VST plug-in.
Saturday, 16 July 2011
Shift 2.2.0 update for Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux
Shift 2.2.0 is now available: download the evaluation demo or update here.
Shift is a diatonic granular pitch shifting delay. Shift combines an intuitive and beautiful user interface, with a great sounding granular synthesis engine. Shift's flexibility allows a palette of timbres ranging from basic echo effects, through intelligent harmonies, to exotic evolving ambient soundscapes.
Additions and improvements in Shift 2.2.0 include:
- Native 64-bit VST plug-in for Mac OS X (64-bit VST support requires Mac OS X 10.6 or greater; 64-bit Audio Unit requires Mac OS X 10.5 or greater; all other formats require Mac OS X 10.4 or greater.)
- Integrated undo and redo, with unlimited history size.
- Preset Browser is now maximized to fill the entire plug-in window.
- Windows RTAS plug-in is now installed to the correct location on 64-bit Windows operating systems.
- MIDI Program Changes are now multi-threaded, and so will no longer potentially stall the audio synthesis.
- Fix for crash (on both Windows and Linux) that could occur when 'space' is pressed when confirming the overwrite preset dialog.
- Fixed interface lock that could occur on Cubase for Mac OS X.
- Preset meta data (ie, author name, notes, tags) is now correctly displayed after loading an .FXP based preset or restoring a saved project.
- VU meters now automatically reset their overload status after a few seconds.
- For Windows VST (32-bit and 64-bit), the preferences file can be placed alongside the DLL file to facilitate USB or portable installs.
- Windows RTAS plug-in is now installed to the correct location on 64-bit Windows operating systems.
- Clearer font in PDF documentation.
- Fix for rare issue that stopped presets from loading in Linux Renoise when LADSPA plug-in support is enabled.
- Factory presets now load significantly faster.
Download Shift 2.2.0 here for Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux.
Monday, 4 July 2011
String 1.3.2 update for Mac OS X
As is par for the course when if comes to big architectural changes, 64-bit VST support for Mac OS X added a few issues to the last String release, which we are pleased to announce are now fixed in String 1.3.2 - download the update here. Windows and Linux builds were not affected by these issues, and so both remain happily on version 1.3.0.
String 1.3.2 for Mac OS X adds:
String 1.3.2 for Mac OS X adds:
- Fix for GUI freeze that could occur in certain hosts.
- Fix for crash that could occur when validating the 64-bit Audio Unit.
- Fix for newly loaded presets being incorrectly marked as changed in Maschine when using the String Audio Unit.
Saturday, 18 June 2011
Loomer String 1.3.0 released
Another update has been released into the wild: Loomer String, our ensemble synthesizer, rich in analogue authenticity, turns 1.3.0. Grab the download here, and go make some beautiful solina ensemble tones.
String 1.3.0 improves on the previous versions with the following fixes and features:
String 1.3.0 improves on the previous versions with the following fixes and features:
- Native 64-bit VST plug-in for Mac OS X (64-bit VST support requires Mac OS X 10.6 or greater; 64-bit Audio Unit requires Mac OS X 10.5 or greater; all other formats require Mac OS X 10.4 or greater.)
- Integrated undo and redo, with unlimited history size.
- Preset Browser is now maximized to fill the entire plug-in window.
- Windows RTAS plug-in is now installed to the correct location on 64-bit Windows operating systems.
- MIDI Program Changes are now multi-threaded, and so will no longer potentially stall the audio synthesis.
- Fix for crash (on both Windows and Linux) that could occur when 'space' is pressed when confirming the overwrite preset dialog.
- VU meters now automatically reset their overload status after a few seconds.
- For Windows VST (32-bit and 64-bit), the preferences file can be placed alongside the DLL file to facilitate USB or portable installs.
- Clearer font in PDF documentation.
- Fix for rare issue that stopped presets from loading in Linux Renoise when LADSPA plug-in support is enabled.
- Factory presets now load significantly faster.
- Various host compatibility fixes.
Wednesday, 8 June 2011
A short guide to Echo Shift
The most common support questions asked of Shift - our diatonic granular pitch shifter, now in its second iteration - are: "Can you move the pitch shifter into the delay's feedback path?"; and "What does Echo Shift do?". To which we answer: "Yes, it's called Echo Shift"; and "It moves the Pitch Shifter into the delay's feedback path."
It's probably easier to hear this effect in action than it is to describe it, so here are some audio snippets with annotations for clarification. It may also help to refer to the signal flow diagram from the manual, reproduced below for your convenience.
Echo Shift Off
With Echo Shift switched off, the pitch shifter comes before the delay, and the delay feeds back into itself. The key point here is that incoming audio is pitch shifted only the once. The following audio file demonstrates a short orchestral stab shifted two semitones by the pitch shifter. You hear the dry signal first, followed by the shifted echoes.
Echo Shift On
With Echo Shift turned on, the pitch shifter is inserted into the delay feedback path. Each echo will be transposed again as it passes through the pitch shifter. The following audio file demonstrates the same orchestral stab, again shifted two semitones, but this time with Echo Shift on. You hear the dry signal first, followed by the shifted echoes. Notice that the first echo is transposed by two semitones, the second by four (two semitones from the first pass through the pitch shifter, another two from this pass), the third by six semitones, etc...
Diatonic Mode and Echo Shift
When Diatonic Mode is enabled, Echo Shift is automatically disabled. Diatonic mode requires a monophonic signal to track and harmonize, and so an Echo Shifted signal, effectively polyphonic due to the echoes feeding back, is not an appropriate source.
It's probably easier to hear this effect in action than it is to describe it, so here are some audio snippets with annotations for clarification. It may also help to refer to the signal flow diagram from the manual, reproduced below for your convenience.
![]() |
Loomer Shift v2 audio signal flowshort |
Echo Shift Off
![]() |
Echo Shift disabled |
With Echo Shift switched off, the pitch shifter comes before the delay, and the delay feeds back into itself. The key point here is that incoming audio is pitch shifted only the once. The following audio file demonstrates a short orchestral stab shifted two semitones by the pitch shifter. You hear the dry signal first, followed by the shifted echoes.
Echo Shift On
![]() |
Echo Shift enabled |
With Echo Shift turned on, the pitch shifter is inserted into the delay feedback path. Each echo will be transposed again as it passes through the pitch shifter. The following audio file demonstrates the same orchestral stab, again shifted two semitones, but this time with Echo Shift on. You hear the dry signal first, followed by the shifted echoes. Notice that the first echo is transposed by two semitones, the second by four (two semitones from the first pass through the pitch shifter, another two from this pass), the third by six semitones, etc...
Diatonic Mode and Echo Shift
When Diatonic Mode is enabled, Echo Shift is automatically disabled. Diatonic mode requires a monophonic signal to track and harmonize, and so an Echo Shifted signal, effectively polyphonic due to the echoes feeding back, is not an appropriate source.
Thursday, 2 June 2011
Windows and Linux Beta Testers Wanted
We're shortly going to be entering beta with a new product, and are looking to find some enthusiastic people who would like to get early access. In exchange for a free licence: you would put the product through its paces; report any bugs you find; and offer suggestions for improvements.
If you've tested beta software before, and if you're familiar with our current product line, all the better, but it's certainly not necessary.
We're doing fine in terms of Mac OS X testers, so it is really Windows or Linux - both 32-bit and 64-bit users - who we are looking to recruit.
If you'd like to help us build a better product: contact me via the support email address at the bottom of the page, letting me know what platforms and hosts you can test on, any beta testing you've done before, and any additional information we may find relevant. I apologize in advance because I won't be able to individually reply to each submission; from past experience I know that opening up a beta to the public results in a huge influx of correspondence. So thanks in advance all who apply, and sorry to those who didn't get a place this time.
(Existing beta team need not apply again: you're still on the beta list and will be receiving your copies when beta testing officially starts in a few weeks.)
And sorry for the lack of concrete information regarding the product; unfortunately, and for the near future, it needs to be kept tightly under wraps. All I can say is, it'll be worth the wait!
If you've tested beta software before, and if you're familiar with our current product line, all the better, but it's certainly not necessary.
We're doing fine in terms of Mac OS X testers, so it is really Windows or Linux - both 32-bit and 64-bit users - who we are looking to recruit.
If you'd like to help us build a better product: contact me via the support email address at the bottom of the page, letting me know what platforms and hosts you can test on, any beta testing you've done before, and any additional information we may find relevant. I apologize in advance because I won't be able to individually reply to each submission; from past experience I know that opening up a beta to the public results in a huge influx of correspondence. So thanks in advance all who apply, and sorry to those who didn't get a place this time.
(Existing beta team need not apply again: you're still on the beta list and will be receiving your copies when beta testing officially starts in a few weeks.)
And sorry for the lack of concrete information regarding the product; unfortunately, and for the near future, it needs to be kept tightly under wraps. All I can say is, it'll be worth the wait!
Saturday, 14 May 2011
Sequent 1.2.3: Linux 64-bit; Undo; Master Sequencer; Random Pattern Generator
Sequent 1.2.3 is now available - download it here for Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux. The installers contain both the full version for registered users and the demo for evaluators.
Sequent 1.2.3 represents a massive update to the product; an exhaustive list of new fixes and features follows:
Sequent 1.2.3 represents a massive update to the product; an exhaustive list of new fixes and features follows:
- Native 64-bit support for Linux VST plug-in and standalone application formats.
- Integrated undo and redo, with unlimited history size.
- Master Sequencer, to arrange effects along a time-line.
- Random pattern generation functions.
- Partial preset support for Routing configurations.
- Thru switch for Delay Module, which if enabled allows the dry signal to be passed through when the delay effect is turned off.
- Effects are now colour-coded for easy identification.
- Category support in preset browser.
- Windows VST 32-bit plug-ins and standalone applications no longer depend on additional runtime libraries. However, these libraries are still required - and installed - for the RTAS format plug-ins.
- libjack is now weak-linked for standalone Linux. This means JACK is not required (but still recommended) for Linux users.
- Windows RTAS plug-in is now installed to the correct location on 64-bit Windows operating systems.
- MIDI Program Changes are now multi-threaded, and so will no longer potentially stall the audio synthesis.
- Fix for rare issue that stopped presets from loading in Linux Renoise when LADSPA plug-in support is enabled.
- Fixed crash that could occur when connecting Effects in the Routing Window whilst simultaneously changing Presets via MIDI.
- Fix for crash (on both Windows and Linux) that could occur when 'space' is pressed when confirming the overwrite preset dialog.
- Presets without Patterns are now considerably smaller when saved to disc.
- Improved rendering speed of Router graphics.
- Reduced CPU usage when switching or editing patterns.
- Preset Browser is now maximized to fill the entire plug-in window.
- For Windows VST (32-bit and 64-bit), the preferences file can be placed alongside the DLL file to facilitate USB or portable installs.
- Additional presets.
- Various host compatibility fixes.
- PDF manual is now printer-friendly.
Wednesday, 11 May 2011
Aspect 1.7.4 update for Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux
Aspect 1.7.4 for Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux is now available. This release add the following fixes and features:
- Fix for crash (on both Windows and Linux) that could occur when 'space' is pressed when confirming the overwrite preset dialog.
- VU meters now automatically reset their overload status after a few seconds.
- Preset Browser is now maximized to fill the entire plug-in window.
- For Windows VST (32-bit and 64-bit), the preferences file can be placed alongside the DLL file to facilitate USB or portable installs.
- Clearer font in PDF documentation.
Sunday, 17 April 2011
Aspect 1.7.1 update now available
Aspect 1.7.1 for Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux is now available. This release adds the following improvements:
- Fix for hung note that could occasionally occur when using legato triggering for Envelope 1.
- Fix for certain non-ASCII characters being either missing, or displayed incorrectly in the interface.
- Integrated preset browser is now re-sizeable.
Wednesday, 6 April 2011
Aspect 1.7: Linux 64-bit; Mono legato; Envelope triggers
Aspect 1.7 is now out. Download the update here: go shake some speakers.
Click for full-size screenshot
Improvements in this release (apparently the 19th update for Aspect!) include:

Improvements in this release (apparently the 19th update for Aspect!) include:
- Native 64-bit VST and Standalone application versions for Linux.
- Integrated undo and redo, with unlimited history size.
- Mono legato modes, with selectable low, high, and last note priority.
- Mono unison: stack up to five unison voices in mono legato mode.
- Independent trigger mode for each envelope: retrigger, reset, or legato.
- Category support in preset browser.
- Increased filter cutoff modulation range.
- CPU usage is now consistent when using the Mac OS X RTAS plug-ins.
- Windows VST 32-bit plug-ins and standalone applications no longer depend on additional runtime libraries. However, these libraries are still required - and installed - for the RTAS format plug-ins.
- libjack is now weak-linked for standalone Linux. This means JACK is not required (but still recommended) for Linux users.
- Windows RTAS plug-in is now installed to the correct location on 64-bit Windows operating systems.
- MIDI Program Changes are now multi-threaded, and so will no longer potentially stall the audio synthesis.
- Fix for rare issue that stopped presets from loading in Linux Renoise when LADSPA plug-in support is enabled.
- Factory presets now load significantly faster.
- Additional presets.
- Various host compatibility fixes.
Thursday, 10 March 2011
Upgrade notice for Cubase users
Just a quick heads-up for Cubase users regarding an issue which can cause Loomer plug-ins saved in Cubase projects to reset to their default after upgrading said plug-in.
Other hosts are not affected. Presets saved externally are not affected.
This issue will only crop up if you:
And this is the new integrated preset browser:
To clarify, if you've updated from a version before any of these, to these versions or later, your plug-in configuration saved in the Cubase project will reset to default:
Due to the nature of the bug, there is no workaround that we can implement in our code. The bug is with Cubase, and the ball is very much in Steinberg's court in terms of a fix. In the interim, we suggest:
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
Other hosts are not affected. Presets saved externally are not affected.
This issue will only crop up if you:
- Save a project using a plug-in that used the old, flat preset system.
- Upgrade the plug-in to a version that users the new integrated preset browser.

And this is the new integrated preset browser:

To clarify, if you've updated from a version before any of these, to these versions or later, your plug-in configuration saved in the Cubase project will reset to default:
- Aspect 1.6.0
- Manifold 1.5.0
- Shift 2.0.0
- Resound 1.5.0
- Sequent 1.1.0
- String 1.2.3
Due to the nature of the bug, there is no workaround that we can implement in our code. The bug is with Cubase, and the ball is very much in Steinberg's court in terms of a fix. In the interim, we suggest:
- Before you upgrade, save your presets out to native .xml or .fxp files.
- Upgrade the plug-in(s).
- Open your Cubase projects, load your saved presets into the affected plugins, save the projects, and never concern yourself about this bug again.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
Friday, 25 February 2011
Shift 2.1.0 update: Linux 64-bit; bug fixes and improvements
We are pleased to announce the update for Shift v2.1.0, our diatonic granular pitch shifting effect, is now available: download it here. Shift v2 is available for Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux, in Audio Unit, VST, RTAS plug-in formats, as well as in standalone application format.
What's new in this release:
What's new in this release:
- Native Linux 64-bit standalone application and VST plug-in.
- Fixed audible click and DC offset which could occur (albeit very rarely) when changing between certain presets.
- Fixed issue that could cause some presets to be instantly marked as changed after opening them in Pro Tools on Mac OS X.
- Presets can now be quickly grouped using categories.
- Windows installer now uses the correct admin privileges. This fixes an issue where Vista or Windows 7 could complain that Shift may not have installed correctly.
- Windows VST 32-bit plug-in and standalone applications no longer depend on additional runtime libraries. However, these libraries are still required - and installed - for the RTAS format plugins.
- Filter types are now labelled Off, LP, BP, and HP.
- Minor visual improvement to interface button controls.
- All presets from Shift v1 are now included (and in many cases improved) in factory preset library.
- Preset loading speed is improved when using MIDI Change Program messages.
- PDF manual is now printer-friendly.
- PDF manual now contains description of Echo Shift function.
Wednesday, 9 February 2011
Loomer String 1.2.3 released; New Preset Browser; Linux 64-bit
Another update has been released: this time, its String 1.2.3. This release adds the following improvements :
Categories are a nod to those people who have expressed a liking for the old preset system, saying it was a lot easier to find all the (for example) bass presets. Of course, you could always enter 'bass' into the search area, but who wants to be typing when you're on the verge of creating a timeless bassline?
Categories are user creatable search terms that, for quick access, appear in the browser tree. Anything you can search for can be used as a category: so you can even categorize by preset authors, or indeed any tag or descriptive word. And provided you've tagged all your presets correctly, they'll automatically appear in the correct category (or categories).
String 1.2.3 is available for Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux. Download the update here.
- Native 64-bit VST plugin and standalone application for Linux.
- Integrated Preset Browser, with meta-data, tags, searching, and hot-swap support.
- Additional presets. All presets now tagged and annotated.
- Presets can now be sorted using auto categorization.
- String Instrument and FX now have their own individual default preset.
- Reduced CPU usage.
- CPU usage is now consistent when using the Mac OS X RTAS Plugins.
- Windows VST 32-bit plugins and standalone applications no longer depend on additional runtime libraries. However, these libraries are still required - and installed - for the RTAS format plugins.
- libjack is now weak-linked for standalone Linux. This means JACK is not required (but still recommended).
- Fixed slight pitch shifting timbre that would rarely occur when quickly swapping between presets using different delay time settings.
- PDF manual is now printer-friendly.
Categories are a nod to those people who have expressed a liking for the old preset system, saying it was a lot easier to find all the (for example) bass presets. Of course, you could always enter 'bass' into the search area, but who wants to be typing when you're on the verge of creating a timeless bassline?
Categories are user creatable search terms that, for quick access, appear in the browser tree. Anything you can search for can be used as a category: so you can even categorize by preset authors, or indeed any tag or descriptive word. And provided you've tagged all your presets correctly, they'll automatically appear in the correct category (or categories).
String 1.2.3 is available for Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux. Download the update here.
Friday, 21 January 2011
Manifold 1.5.0 / Resound 1.5.0 - Now Linux 64-bit compatible
I'm pleased to announce another update; this time, Manifold 1.5.0 and Resound 1.5.0 for Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux get the upgrade treatment. These releases add the following fixes and features:
- Native 64-bit support for Linux VST plugins and standalone applications. All releases hence will come in Linux 64-bit VST plugin and Linux 64-bit standalone format.
- Integrated Preset Browser, with meta-data, tags, searching, and hot-swap support.
- (Resound) Noise parameter is now scaled such that wow, flutter, and mechanical noise of the tape machine are completely absent at 0%. Older presets will still sound identical.
- (Resound) Reversed delay tempo syncing has been improved with hosts that don't provide accurate PPQ.
- Reduced CPU usage.
- Windows VST 32-bit plugins and standalone applications no longer depend on additional runtime libraries. However, these libraries are still required - and installed - for the RTAS format plugins.
- Various host compatibility fixes.
- Additional presets.
Tuesday, 11 January 2011
Shift for Mac OS X updated to 2.0.2
We have just released an update for the Mac OS X version of Shift, bringing it to version 2.0.2. This release adds the following :
- Fix for Dry Voice Volume and Synced Delay Time UI controls not responding correctly in Digital Performer.
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